We invite submissions from LIS professionals, stakeholders, and technology experts supporting the library profession for our upcoming summit. This event will feature participation from LIS professionals and External Affairs Ministries across the world. We welcome original papers that contribute to the advancement of the library and information science field.
The proposed Global Library Summit envisions a transformative platform for fostering international collaboration and cooperation among libraries worldwide, aiming to enhance access to information, promote educational development, and preserve cultural heritage on a global scale. By pooling resources and expertise across nations, libraries can address shared challenges such as limited funding, technological disparities, and restricted access to diverse information sources. Collaborative initiatives like shared digital libraries, interlibrary loan systems, joint cataloging projects, and cooperative training programs for library staff can significantly elevate the quality and reach of library services globally. These efforts will not only encourage cultural exchange and mutual understanding but also support global integration and development. The summit will explore "Library Diplomacy," emphasizing the role of libraries as neutral grounds for dialogue, cross-cultural knowledge sharing, and international cooperation. By leveraging human and material resources, including digitized collections and technology, libraries can overcome barriers of language and geography, fostering cross-border understanding and collaboration. The Global Library Summit will highlight successful projects where libraries have acted as catalysts for global integration and peacebuilding, addressing the disparities in information and communication infrastructure that have historically limited access to knowledge in less developed regions. Through the exchange of best practices and the development of joint strategies, the summit aspires to strengthen international bonds, contributing to a more interconnected and peaceful world through the shared pursuit of knowledge. By fostering global collaboration in education and research, libraries play a pivotal role in building networks of expertise and driving innovation on an international scale. The summit, themed "Strengthening Library Cooperation," will bring together library best practices, success stories, case studies, and innovative ideas on a global platform.
Please submit your papers to the following email ID: papers.gls25@sau.int
Note: If you have already submitted your paper through the website but have not received any communication from the Editorial Team, you are kindly requested to resubmit your paper to the above email ID.
Abstract / Full Text Papers may please be sent to the following email ID: